AVC 0.10.0 released 24-Apr-2015
- Added support for GTK3+.
- New full set of GTK3+ examples.
- New verbosity level 5 for debug: internal data structures printout.
- Fixed typo into examples/gtk_counter.py.
- Refactored verbose printout: structured as functions.
- Added __str__ representation for internal structures.
AVC 0.9.0 released 12-Mar-2015
- Added support for calendar widget in GTK+, QT, Wx widgets toolkits.
- Added support for color selection widget in GTK+, Swing, QT, Wx widgets
- New examples: calendar for widget each supporter toolkit.
- New examples: color selection widget for each supporter toolkit.
- Fixed Qt widget removal not working at widget destroy.
- Dropped Qt3 support
- Added 1 sec wait between libreoffice launch and odt2pdf in manual pdf build.
AVC 0.8.3 released 15-Feb-2011
- Added printing of the widget toolk version to testing printout.
- Changed functions view_update and get_widget to be methods of class AVC
- Centralized version, author, license information: program and building
scripts now read this info from reference strings defined in avccore.py .
- Updated instructions for pdf manual generation.
- Centralized version, author, license information: program and
building scripts now read this info from reference strings defined in
- Splitted dir structure into AVC source and debian binary build areas.
- Source build control from shell script to scons.
- All build shell scripts converted from shell to python.
AVC 0.8.2 released 24-Dec-2009
- Fixed wxWidgets ListCtrl not updating header on connected variable
AVC 0.8.1 released 1-Dec-2009
- Fixed wxWidgets TreeCtrl not updating on connected variable change.
AVC 0.8.0 released 20-Nov-2009
- Added support for java Swing widget toolkit, widgets: button,
check box, combo box, label, progress bar, radio box, slider,
spinner, table, text area, text field, toggle button, tree.
- Changed real widget mapping: substituted eval of widget string names with
dictionary of abstract widget classes keyed by real widget classes.
- Added check for executed avc_init in avc_connect.
- Added dual install capability to setup to cope with both python and
AVC 0.7.1 released 20-Apr-2009
- Cleanup of backup files in "examples" dir and restore of file
"manual.pdf.readme" in "doc" dir.
AVC 0.7.0 released 26-Jan-2009
- Added support for advanced widgets: list view and tree view.
- Added support for progress bar widget.
- New examples: a list tree view example for each supported toolkit.
- Updated "showcase" examples to add progress bar.
AVC 0.6.1 released 26-Jan-2009
- Added PDF documentation sources (ODT file and images).
AVC 0.6.0 released 10-Jun-2008
- Added multiple matching namespaces: the attributes of each python
object (class instance) can be matched against any given widget tree
or subtree, independentely from all other objects.
- Added dynamic connections: widget-variable connections can
be created at any run time and removed automatically at widget deletion.
- Changed importing: now AVC detect automatically the wanted widget
toolkit, allowing the same import statement for all toolkits.
- Extended separation between application logic and GUI to all
- Updated all examples programs to use the new api.
- Rewritten all "counter" examples to demonstrate AVC support to
separation between application logic and GUI.
- New examples: a countdown example for each supported toolkit to
demonstrate multiple matching namespaces and dynamic connections.
- Structure cleanup: removed all cross references between AVC core and
each toolkit binding, now all references are from core to bindings.
AVC 0.5.0 released 4-Feb-2008
- Extended label widget output formatting to support generic python
objects and to have a fallback to the standard python string
representation (str()) when there is no formatting string or
the formatting string is not valid.
- New examples: a label formatting example program for each supported
- New examples: a programmatic version (GUI generated by program
instructions) of the spin button/box/control example for each
supported toolkit.
- Added testing capability: activity report printout with
selectable verbosity level.
- Rewrited the widget abstraction layer: improved code structure,
more compact, better separation among widget toolkit dependent code
in AVC bindings and in AVC core code.
- Anticipated the test for supported widget from coget creation
(Coget.__init__()) to connections detector (_bind()): more efficient.
AVC 0.4.0 released 15-Dec-2007
- Added support for wxWidgets widget toolkit, widgets: button,
bitmap button, check button, choice, combo box, radio box, slider,
spin control, static text, status bar, text control, toggle button.
AVC 0.3.0 released 30-Sep-2007
- Added support for TK widget toolkit, widgets: button,
check button, entry, label, radio button, scale, spin box, text.
- Fixed input from Qt4 QdoubleSpinBox.
- Fixed wrong type of formatting string for Qt3 and Qt4 label widget.
- Added control type casting to string returned by entry widget.
- New web site structure, user documentation moved from one html
page to "User Manual" in different formats: pdf, html.
AVC 0.2.0 released 30-Jan-2007
- Added new widgets: combo box, slider, status bar (GTK+ only),
text view/edit.
AVC 0.1.0 released 10-Jan-2007