AVC, Application View Controller


Current: 0.10.0

Released: 24-Apr-2015

License: GPL

Common Requirements:
python 2.2 - <3.0

GTK2+ requirements:
Pygtk 2.8 - 2.10
GTK3+ requirements:
PyGObject >=3.10
Qt requirements:
Pyqt v3 - v4
Tk requirements:
Tkinter 2.4
wxWidgets requirements:
wxPython 2.6 - 2.8
Swing requirements:
jython 2.5.1

Author: Fabrizio Pollastri


Quick start examples:
GTK2+, GTK3+, Qt, Tk,
wxWidgets, Swing.
User Manual

Release Notes


All News


AVC-Simplifying your GUI Code


GTK2+ examples

GTK3+ examples

Qt examples

Tk examples

wxWidgets examples

Swing examples


- current avc-0.10.0.tar.gz
all sources

Arch Linux

Quick start examples:
GTK2+ spinbutton + glade file
GTK3+ spinbutton + glade file
ui file
Qt spinbox + ui file
Tk spinbox + tcl file
wxWidgets spincontrol + xrc file
Swing spinner

All examples

All News

24-Apr-2015: released AVC 0.10.0. New support for GTK3+ with a full set of widgets and related examples. New deeper debug printout that examines internal control data. Release note.

12-Mar-2015: released AVC 0.9.0. New widgets: calendar and color selection. Dropped Qt3 support. Release note.

15-Feb-2011: released AVC 0.8.3. Added widget toolkit printing to testing printout and changed some internals: program version management and directory structure for Debian package building. Release note.

24-Dec-2009: released AVC 0.8.2. Fixed wxWidgets ListCtrl not updating header on connected variable change. Release note.

1-Dec-2009: released AVC 0.8.1. Fixed wxWidgets TreeCtrl not updating on connected variable change. Release note.

20-Nov-2009: released AVC 0.8.0. With this release, AVC goes into java environment introducing the support for the Swing widget toolkit. Release note.

20-Apr-2009: released AVC 0.7.1. This release makes some cleanup of backup files in "examples" dir and restore the file manual.pdf.readme in "doc" dir. Release note.

25-Feb-2009: AVC is now available as package for the Arch Linux distribution.

26-Jan-2009: released AVC 0.7.0. This release expands the number of supported widgets introducing the support for the progress bar widget and for two advanced widgets: the list view and the tree view. Release note.

26-Jan-2009: released AVC 0.6.1. This release adds PDF documentation sources (ODT file and images).

10-Jun-2008: released AVC 0.6.0, new main features are multiple matching namespaces and dynamic connections, changed package importing adding automatic widget toolkit detection, extended separation between program logic and GUI to all toolkits, new "countdown" example demonstrating multiple matching namespaces and dynamic connections, updated all examples to new api, internal optimizations. Release note.

10-Jun-2008: created a mailing list for AVC users.

4-Feb-2008: released AVC 0.5.0, extended the output formatting capabilities of the label widget, new label formatting examples for each supported toolkit, new programmatic version of the spin button/box/control examples, added activity logging capability with selectable verbosity level, internal optimizations.

15-Dec-2007: released AVC 0.4.0, added support for the wxWidgets toolkit.

13-Nov-2007: AVC is now available as Debian package.